Diversity and Community Engagement
The University of Mississippi

Division of Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs
Five-Year Equity-in-Action Plan


The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) is dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming and equitable atmosphere for all students, faculty and staff. Each community of practice represented in the DSA’s five-year Equity-in-Action plan will consistently articulate the standards to which we hold ourselves accountable. This plan allows staff to grow professionally and personally as they educate and mentor students through a co-curricular experience. By increasing diversity education for staff, graduate assistants and student employees, we are expanding our knowledge and skills for a more inclusive campus community. In addition, we will provide intentional programming to enrich the experience of underrepresented students. Finally, by recruiting underrepresented staff, graduate assistants and student employees, we will work to ensure that the division has a fair and equitable hiring process.


Fifteen departments constitute the Division of Student Affairs; these units within Student Affairs enrich the University of Mississippi experience outside of the classroom. Student Affairs professionals provide co-curricular student support and enrichment programs while seeking to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for students and staff. To that end, the departments within the Division of Student Affairs will implement the strategic activities listed in this plan with guidance from the Diversity Change Team and the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement.


We believe that the needs of our students should be put first because our greatest success is the success of our students. We create personal connections with students to facilitate their development and persistence to graduation. In and out of the classroom, we utilize every opportunity for student learning and growth. Our core values include Students First, Everyone Speaks, Embrace Differences and Lead with Learning.

PATHWAYS TO EQUITY: University of Mississippi Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan

The University of Mississippi continues its commitment to excellence and making a positive difference in society through higher education. Pathways to Equity stands as our institutional guidepost for addressing and advancing our institutional mission through centering on diversity, equity and inclusion. Our complex institutional history coupled with our rich culture of students, faculty and staff striving for inclusive change has led us to the solidification of this institutional plan. Pathways to Equity works in concert with the university’s strategic plan to leverage university-wide, college/school-level and departmental transformative initiatives that cultivate a more diverse, equitable and inclusive campus.

With Pathways to Equity, the University of Mississippi aspires to achieve the following statements by the conclusion of this plan.

  1. The University of Mississippi consistently and comprehensively articulates diversity, equity and inclusion as essential in fulfilling the mission, vision and values of the institution.
  2. The University of Mississippi is organizationally and culturally equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to continue advancing diversity, equity and inclusion.
  3. A campus climate is fostered that ensures all individuals are valued, supported and feel a sense of belonging at the University of Mississippi.
  4. The University of Mississippi has decreases in disparities across underrepresented groups in the enrollment, retention and graduation rate at undergraduate and graduate levels.
  5. The number of underrepresented groups employed at the University of Mississippi is increased to reflect a talented and diverse workforce at all organizational levels, especially tenure-track faculty, managerial positions and executive leadership positions.

Guiding Principles

The development of this plan requires us to address individual, social, organizational and systemic factors that create and sustain inequities that prevent all members of our community from fully participating and thriving. We view this as central to the mission of the University of Mississippi. As we embark on this journey together, we must commit to the following shared principles:

  1. Equity-mindedness[1] – We embrace the institutional responsibility and agency to actively address the challenges and disparate outcomes at all levels of our community. This requires us to be data informed and connect best and promising practices to generate high-impact change for underserved groups in our community.
  2. Institutional Accountability – We must ensure efforts outlined throughout Pathways to Equity are acknowledged in the established systems of recognition, performance and accountability. It is vital that we work to account for the advancement of these goals in our ideas of success, merit and reward. Further, we must account for, honor and recognize faculty, staff, administrators and students in their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  3. Transparency – In our execution of Pathways to Equity, our success is predicated on a highly accessible and collaborative process that actively involves university stakeholders to work as virtuous partners. To that end, we will consistently, publicly and broadly share our intended actions, goals and measurable impacts of this plan.
  4. Innovation – Actualizing diversity, equity and inclusion will require us to deeply examine and rethink our policies, practices and procedures at the University of Mississippi. Each unit and individual across campus is invited to offer new thoughts, ideas and perspectives as we thoughtfully consider ways to make our institution more equitable and inclusive through an intersectional lens. This disposition will create a community of learning, growth and development as we collectively engage in this complex work.
  5. Alignment of Critical Resources – During this planning process, we have navigated a global health pandemic that has shown the vulnerabilities in our systems that disparately affect underserved and underresourced communities. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, we must not falter in our commitment to creating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive community. Instead, we must recognize that our commitment to equity is even more important today than ever.


The following goals represent the University of Mississippi’s commitment to the advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). These overarching goals represent interconnected priorities that are applicable to UM broadly, from our comprehensive divisions, down to individual teams. We aim to have all units see meaningful alignment of these goals with their work. We will ensure UM embraces the transformative nature of diversity, equity and inclusion across all levels of the institution, addressing challenges to DEI at every corner of our institution by combining contextual understanding with internal and external expertise.

  1. Advance Institutional Capacity for Equity
    Infrastructure, Information, Systems, Education and Processes
  2. Cultivate a Diverse and Equitable Community
    Recruiting, Retaining, Advancing and Succeeding
  3. Foster an Inclusive Campus Climate
    Support, Value and Belonging



The Division of Students Affairs’ Diversity Change Team serves the division by assisting the diversity liaison in analyzing the division’s current state of diversity, equity and inclusion, engaging students, faculty and staff in conversations surrounding DEI, developing and communicating with stakeholders the university’s strategic initiatives for DEI, and setting realistic short-term and long-term goals regarding DEI.


  • Shannon Richardson, Campus Recreation – diversity liaison
  • Andrew Newby, Center for Student Success & First-Year Experience
  • Bernice Sykes, Student Disability Services
  • Haley Anderson, Student Union
  • Tracy Murry, Conflict Resolution & Student Conduct
  • Marcus Cole, Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Mandi Bloodworth, UMatter
  • John Yaun, Student Housing
  • Jesse Richards, University Police Department
  • Dion Sanford, Center for Student Success & First-Year Experience
  • Toni Avant, Career Center
  • Senora Miller Logan, Luckyday
  • Susan Gunn, Student Health Center
  • Michael Hirschel, University Counseling Center
  • Jazmine Kelley, Magee Center for Wellness Education



Expand Learning and Engagement with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The Division of Student Affairs will identify and promote specific educational activities to expand learning and engagement with DEI efforts. These activities seek to equip our community with the knowledge, skills and awareness conducive to fostering an inclusive campus climate, celebrating the full spectrum of diversity, working collaboratively and engaging in discourse across difference. Examples of activities include conferences, webinars, book clubs and programs hosted by the departments within Student Affairs.

Area(s) Responsible: The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will identify and promote DEI educational activities, and department/unit directors will report attendance at DEI educational activities; the Office of the VCSA will submit metric updates in the reflection guide.

Resources Statement: The Division of Student Affairs may utilize external and internal activities and workshops including search committee training, implicit bias and micro aggressions training, inclusive advising and supporting training, fostering inclusive teams and environments, inclusive teaching practices, Allies training, and exploring gender and sexuality. Directors and AVCs may also allocate funds for books, webinars and certificate programs to incentivize staff to engage in DEI education.

Institutional Capacity  

  • Percentage of employees within each department/unit and percentage of DSA employees overall who engage in DEI activities (Baseline: ____ % of employees engaged in at least one DEI activity throughout the previous year).

Diverse and Equitable Community

  • Percentage of employees surveyed, within each department/unit and DSA employees overall, who agree that the DSA identified and promoted DEI educational activities (Baseline: N/A).

Campus Climate 

  • A DEI Engagement Award will be added to the annual Student Affairs Core Value awards and ceremony; this award will be given via a peer-nomination process to the staff member who demonstrates and exhibits strong DEI engagement efforts (Baseline: N/A).


Enrich the Experience of Underrepresented Students: The Division of Student Affairs will provide programming (and programming assessment instruments) to meet the needs of underrepresented students so they can enjoy an inclusive collegiate experience. The efforts will work to address the social experience of underrepresented graduate and undergraduate students including students of color, transfer students, students with disability, international students, LGBTQ+ students, low-income students, veteran students and first-generation college students.

Area(s) Responsible: Each department within the division will be intentional about offering inclusive programs/events each semester. Directors will be responsible for submitting programming schedules (with descriptions of the events) and metric updates in the reflection guide.

Resources Statement: The Division of Student Affairs will utilize the UM Climate Study as a needs assessment to understand what programming students want and determine gaps in equity. Student Affairs will request annual funding for the Diversity Programming Fund. Registered student organizations may request DEI education funding from ASB. The division will also explore adding DEI personnel in critical areas.

Institutional Capacity

  • Number of inclusive programs offered by the division each semester (Baseline: _____).
  • Number of programs funded through a Division of Student Affairs Diversity Programming Fund (Baseline: N/A).

Diverse and Equitable Community

  • Percentage of underrepresented students served in signature departmental programs (Baseline: _____ %).
  • Percentage of participating students surveyed who agree they were included and supported in a specific event (Baseline: N/A).

Campus Climate 

  • Percentage of university students who believe the division offers inclusive programs that meet their needs (Baseline: N/A).


Recruitment of Underrepresented Staff: The Division of Student Affairs will intentionally recruit underrepresented full-time, part-time graduate assistants and student employees. The DSA will also survey current employees to assess satisfaction with hiring processes.

Area(s) Responsible: Each director within the Division of Student Affairs will submit a biannual report on new hires (full time, part time, student) within the department.

Resources Statement: The Division of Student Affairs will utilize the search committee resources provided by Diversity and Community Engagement to train staff and ensure processes are equitable.

Institutional Capacity

  • Number of search committee members who participate in search committee training (Baseline: _____).
  • Number of departments that create recruitment plans with best practices in strategies that accomplish diverse and equitable hiring (Baseline: N/A).

Diverse and Equitable Community

  • Number of jobs offered to underrepresented candidates within each department (Baseline: _____).
  • Percentage of job offers accepted by the underrepresented candidates (Baseline: _____ %).
  • Percentage of applicants for full-time positions who are from underrepresented groups (veterans, women and people of color). (Baseline: N/A).
  • Number of underrepresented students in employee positions in student affairs (Baseline: _____).

Campus Climate 

  • Percentage of university students and staff surveyed who agree the Division of Student Affairs has fair (equitable) and inclusive hiring processes (Baseline: N/A).



ACTIVITY Institutional Capacity Diverse and Equitable Community Campus Climate
1- Expand Diversity Education Percentage of employees, within each department/unit and DSA employees overall, who engage in DEI activities (Baseline: ____ % of employees engaged in at least one DEI activity throughout the previous year). Percentage of employees surveyed, within each department/unit and DSA employees overall, who agree that the DSA identified and promoted DEI educational activities (Baseline: N/A). A DEI Engagement Award will be added to the annual Student Affairs Core Value awards and ceremony; this award will be given via a peer-nomination process to the staff member who demonstrates and exhibits strong DEI engagement efforts (Baseline: N/A).
2- Enrich the Experience of Underrepresented Students Number of inclusive programs offered by the division each semester (Baseline: _____).


Number of programs funded through a Division of Student Affairs Diversity Programming Fund (Baseline: N/A).

Percentage of underrepresented students served in signature departmental programs (Baseline: _____ %).


Percentage of participating students surveyed who agree they were included and supported in a specific event (Baseline: N/A).

Percentage of university students who believe the division offers inclusive programs that meet their needs (Baseline: N/A).
3- Recruitment of Underrepresented Staff Number of search committee members who participate in search committee training (Baseline: _____).


Number of departments that create recruitment plans with best practices in strategies that accomplish diverse and equitable hiring (Baseline: N/A).

Number of jobs offered to underrepresented candidates within each department (Baseline: _____).


Percentage of job offers accepted by the underrepresented candidates (Baseline: _____ %).


Percentage of applicants for full-time positions who are from underrepresented groups (veterans, women and people of color) (Baseline: N/A).


Number of underrepresented students in employee positions in student affairs (Baseline: _____).

Percentage of university students and staff surveyed who agree the Division of Student Affairs has fair (equitable) and inclusive hiring processes (Baseline: N/A).





[1] Bensimon, E.M., Dowd, A.C., Witham, K. (2016). Five principles for enacting equity by design. Diversity and Democracy, The Equity Imperative. Winter 2016, Volume 19, No. 1.